Removal of Structural Tilt

Below is the actual dip log used in the  "Effects of Structural Tilt"  example.  In that example, the original structural tilt had already been removed.  In this example, you will be picking a dip to be used to remove structural tilt.  This operation is reverse of that done in the other example.

Clicking the polar plot on the right will remove that tilt from the dipmeter log on the left.  The original dips will be colored magenta and the rotated (residual) dips will be black.  The key to picking a good tilt is to find relatively undisturbed beds and use their average dip as structural tilt.  If you are studying stratigraphic features, that might be in shale because shale is more likely to be deposited horizontally.  If you are studying structural features, look for what is commonly called a "planar" or "green" dip pattern where the dips are all pointing in nearly the same direction over a given interval.  You can click the "Hide/Show Interpretation" button occasionally to see where the patterns were on the first example.  The dip used to remove structural tilt is commonly called the structural dip.

Hint:  In this example, most of the interval from 5775 to 5875 is planar and has average dips of about 18 degrees and average azimuth of about 195 degrees.  Try using that dip and see if the patterns match.
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