Calculation capabilities:
- Dip rotation (Residual Dip Analysis) See tutorials on
the home page for an explanation.
- Fold axis analysis to
find the azimuth and plunge of fold axes and also map strike of fault cuts (not the strike of the fault plane).
- Calculates true vertical depth (TVD), true
vertical thickness (TVT), true stratigraphic thickness (TST) and plots
depth-type logs in the calculated depth type
- Dip averaging options:
- Averaging types:
- 3-D vector mean --
better for bedding dips, it is the most commonly used
averaging method
- 3-D vector median --
better for bedding dips, not as sensitive to "wild" values as vector mean or
major eigenvector methods
- Major eigenvector -- better for fractures or other
non-oriented (bidirectional) dips
- Average by depth interval or number of dips to create
either a "decimated" log with new dips or a smoothed log using a running
- Borehole deviation
- Types
- Minimum curvature
- Radius of curvature
- Tangential
- Angle average
- When interpolating points in space between deviations,
RDA uses minimum curvature interpolation, not linear as in most programs