Smoothing Dips to Reduce Scatter

This example, which is derived directly from the example on the "Interaction of Scatter and Tilt", shows the effect of smoothing has on scattered dips.  Smoothing can be applied by pressing the "Smooth" button.  "Smoothing" is a running average of the dips.   (The average is actually calculated by a 3-D vectoral average of the poles to dip).  By adding differing amounts of scatter and changing the number of points averaged (smooth count), you can see the effects of the running average.  This smoothing can aid in interpretation, although it also has the side effect of rounding features.  (On the fault model try setting the scatter to zero and then apply the smoothing.)  As in the previous example, the buttons to the left of the "smooth" button allow you to toggle back and forth between a fault model and an unconformity model.
If this were a Java-enabled browser you would see the applet here.